You can use this cease and desist letter template to stop debt collectors from calling you. Once the collector receives your letter, the FDPCA allows the collector to contact you one final time, in writing, to let you know what action, if any, the collector will take next. Customize the template letter to include your personal information.


Your Name
City, State Zip

Debt Collector’s Name
City, State Zip

Re: Account Number

Dear Debt Collector:

Pursuant to my rights under federal debt collection laws, I am requesting that you cease and desist communication with me, as well as my family and friends, in relation to this and all other alleged debts you claim I owe.

You are hereby notified that if you do not comply with this request, I will immediately file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission and the [your state here] Attorney General’s office. Civil and criminal claims will be pursued.


Your Name

Note: This letter must be sent Certified Return Receipt Mail; keep the return receipt in a safe place to prove that the debt collector received your letter. 

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